Ingo i Chicago 1951

Dagens engelska läsövning är insänd av Bill Simpson från Staterna. Den avser Ingemar Johansson fina insats i det Europalag som mötte en Golden Gloveskombination i Chicago. Ingemar skulle även ha deltagit i ytterligare en match, men han anförde handskada och vägrade ställa upp. Detta skapade så stor irritation hos de europeiska ledarna att Ingemar skulle få lida för detta under Helsingfors-OS året efter. Mer om detta i nästa krönika. I USA skulle han ha mött den amerikanske stjärnan Norvel Lee. De två möttes ett halvår senare i Göteborg, med svensk förlust.

Ingemar Johansson vs Ernest Fann W rsc 3

“The opening round was almost exclusively a left-handed affair as the heavies jabbed and hooked and held their right crosses back for openings. They moved in close and exchanged solid punches to the head and, when they stepped back, Johansson connected with a good left to the chin. The battler from Sweden danced around Fann in the second round and scored frequently with lefts to the head. They came in close and a good exchange followed. Fann missed with a left and took several punches to the head. Just before the round ended Fann landed a good right to the chin. Fann tried hard in the last round but was short with several punches as Johansson danced out of danger, flicking lefts to the head. Ingemar caught Fann with a terrific right to the chin. Fann went down for an eight-count and when he arose, was groggy. After Johnsson delivered a torrid left and right, Fann sagged into the ropes. Referee Schwartz stopped the fight after 2:26” (Chicago Tribune March 30, 1951).

“When the hand of Johansson was raised for his third-round technical knockout of Fann, you’d have sworn the team victory had gone to the visitors from the Old World.... Big Ingemar was so elated that he leaped thru the ropes and almost forgot to accept his victor’s prize.... Every member of the European team was trying desperately to be the first to greet the slugging heavyweight when he climbed down from the ring ... They accompanied him to the dressing room, embraced and cheered him until Coach Sten Suvio, overjoyed himself, finally had to quiet them down and permit Ingemar to shower and dress. Johansson ... was one of the happiest lads in the world. He can’t talk English. But even those in the dressing room who couldn’t talk Swedish knew what he was talking about when he shook hands with all within reach” (Chicago Tribune March 30, 1951). Attendance: 15,859. This victory was really impressive. Ernie Fann was a tough, hard-nosed fighter who had won many bouts over good opponents.

Matchen USA (Team Golden Gloves)-Europa slutade 6-2. Den andra europasegern togs av den utmärkte finske flugviktaren Pentti Hämäläinen. Stig Sjölin blev bortdömd. Det ansåg t.o.m de patriotiska amerikanarna.


Bill, many thanks for the article.